First Name
Last Name
How did you hear about us?
How many members are in your household, including yourself? What are the ages of the members of the household?
Does anyone in your house have allergies?
Do you live in a house, condo, apartment or "other?"
Do you own or rent?
Please list all of your current pets (include type, breed, name, age, M/F, altered, and how long you've had the animal.
Who will be the primary caretaker of your foster dog(s)?
Please describe your yard.
No yard
Unfenced yard
Partially fenced yard
Completely fenced yard
If you do not have a fenced yard, do you agree to keep your foster dog on leash at all times when outside?
How would you describe your level of experience with dogs? (Check all that apply)
Never had a dog
Had one or more as an adult
Had childhood dog
Have experience with powerful breeds
Have experience with ongoing medical problems with a personal dog
Have experience working at a boarding kennel/resort/pet sitting service
Have experience working with behavioral problems with a personal dog
Have experience working in a veterinary hospital
Am a professional dog trainer
Have previous foster/rescue experience
Do you have experience with:
Small dogs
Medium dogs
Large dogs
List experience with specific breeds:
What types of dogs are you interested in fostering? Check all that apply.
Adult dog
Mother with nursing puppies
Sick dog/puppy
Dog/puppy with behavioral issues
Pitbull/bully breeds
Unweaned puppies/bottle babies
Injured dog/puppy
Long-term hospice care
How many hours during the AVERAGE day will this dog spend WITHOUT a human?
Where will your foster dog spend his/her day?
Where will your foster dog sleep at night?
What situations do you feel unprepared for? Check all that apply.
Excessive barking
Shy, fearful, undersocialized dog
Not good with small animals/cats
Providing ongoing training
Do you have a preference on size? If yes, please list a size preference.
Do you have a preference on breed? If yes, please list breed you prefer.
Do you have a preference on age? If yes, please list age preference.
Please tell us anything else you would like us to know to help match you up with the right foster animal.
By typing your name on this line, you confirm that everything stated on this application is accurate and true.